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This week we’re exploring the crazy, backward world of gendered stationery. And while it seems impossible now, we never even mentioned the Patriarchy!
Find us online:
You can find the podcast at RVSPstationerypodcast.com
- ComfortableShoesStudio.com
- https://www.facebook.com/ComfortableShoesStudio
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/originallcharper/
- Twitter: @originalLCharper
- weeklypencil.com
- https://www.facebook.com/theweeklypencil
- IG: @theweeklypencil
- Twitter: @theweeklypencil
- Twitter: @lenore_hoyt
- Facebook: Erasable Podcast, RSVP Stationery podcast
- Instagram: Reallenore
Show Links:
Pencils and Powers: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/pencils-powers
Baron Fig Dot Grid Note Cards “Strategist”
Man Who Has It All: @manwhohasitall
The source of the beloved term “crotch giblets”