RSS Feed
Dade takes Less on a merry trip down memory lane and discusses his favorite episodes of RSVP.
Show links:
- Bottomless (You sign up and get a free bag and so do I!)
- Baronfig Do
- Baronfig Adrift
- Gendering Episodes 17 Also 15 28 42
- Solo RPG
- Lenore’s Graphite
- Lenore’s Chalk
- BW Lack of Diversity
- Favorite Episode Opening
Find us online:
You can find the podcast at :
- ComfortableShoesStudio.com
- facebook ComfortableShoesStudio
- instagram originallcharper
- @originalLCharper
- Spectrum
- weeklypencil.com
- https://www.facebook.com/theweeklypencil
- IG: @theweeklypencil
- Twitter: @theweeklypencil
- @lenore_hoyt
- Facebook: Erasable Podcast, RSVP Stationery podcast