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Welcome to episode 3 where we talk about using all of those nice things that we own. After all, what’s the point of collecting if one can’t enjoy their collection?
Show Links
- Itoya Helvetica
- Myths & Legends
- NBN Neon
- Strathmore Online Workshop
- CW 2017 Patch
- Baron Fig Kickstarter
- Erasable Episode 73
Where You Can Find Us
- Comfortable Shoes Studio
- Facebook: /comfortableshoesstudio
- Twitter: @originalLCharper
- Instagram: @originalLCharper
- weekly pencil.
- Facebook: /theweeklypencil
- Twitter: @theweeklypencil
- Instagram: @theweeklypencil
I wanted to post a quick note that I am enjoying the podcast, and it has become part of my weekly stationary listening along with other podcasts like the Pen Addict and Erasable. The only criticism I would have is some of the volume levels are a bit uneven, but it hasn’t impacted my enjoyment of the podcast.
hey Ben, We’re working on it. I was attempting to mute my mic when I wasn’t talking and the end result is that it caused my volumes to go in an out through out the whole podcast. I didn’t realize what it was doing until the end so we worked with what we had. Obviously we need to work on our leveling and compression skills. We’ll get there! Thanks for listening! -Less
Wanted to drop by and say I’ve been enjoying the show and look forward to it continuing! I started as a Pen Addict but spilled over into the Erasable community. I’ve just recently started reviewing pencils on my blog and that’s been a lot of fun. Also, shout out to Lenore – I’m also a Louisville resident! Keep up the good work 🙂
Lori A.
So just recently found your podcast and loving it. Listening to this episode today and I have maybe an odd compliment. It might be bad to say this, but I’m glad you guys sometimes say that you can’t afford things. I feel like when I listen to Pen Addict and Erasable, money is never a consideration-especially Pen Addict since they are usually discussing more expensive items. I love listening to them, but money is rarely a factor for them and it certainly is for me-I can’t buy into all these subscriptions, etc. I feel like it makes you guys a little more discriminating in your opinions and I like that. The Baron Fig kickstarter was so tempting but I just can’t afford it right now so I was glad to hear you point out some flaws-made me feel better about it. LOL! I think you are less prone to be ga-ga over something just because of who makes it, and I like that you call yourselves out and say you have way more of something than you can use in a lifetime so you just have to stop-me too!
We try to be as honest. As Dee is a college student and I just graduated, money is a huge consideration for us. Also, none of feel we are beholden to any producer of goods.
Also, as an aside, I (Less) really like using inexpensive notebooks, pens and pencils. There is something nice about getting a good deal on stuff. I’ll never stop enjoying that. 🙂