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Getting a little FreeKey. In this installment of our occasional series on everyday carry, a deep look at how we carry our keys.
I cannot believe I didn’t notice this is a square episode! #missedopportunities
Show links:
- Baron Fig Oracle
- ‘Icarus Gear’, and flying too high up the curve of diminishing returns
- The Curve of Diminishing Returns
- Hovel
- Jun Bug probiotic honey soda
- Marvel movie order
- Nite Ize Infini-Key
- Nite Ize S-Biner MicroLock Stainless Steel
- Nite Ize DoohicKey Multi Tool
- Gerber Dime
- FreeKey system
- Knox titanium keyring, other Gallantry keychain options
- Tom Bihn Leash
- Breadtopia Forum
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- @originalLCharper
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- @lenore_hoyt
- Facebook: Erasable Podcast, RSVP Stationery podcast